Misc. Cafe Updates

I made a couple tiny updates, which I'm making a post about as an excuse to reminisce about my motorcycle afterwards.

Cursor Update:

So created a little wooden pointer and hover icons, which took me longer than I wanted to spend, but not too long. I actually tried using the dodge and burn tools in Photoshop to make lighter and darker sections of the "wood", and it worked out okay! They're not exactly what I envisioned - I wanted fat cartoon looking looking cursors, and these look more like cursors out of an MMO from 1999 - but at least the work is done and I can update them in the future!

Bonfire Update:

The bonfire is back, and it's better than ever! This time, the background audio doesn't play automatically. One must hover over the bonfire .gif (it glows now) and click to hear the fire sounds. It also locally saves the play/pause state of the background noise, so the next time you visit in the same browser, you should hear it playing/not playing depending on how you left it during your last visit. Neato burrito.

Pet Blob Beta Testers:

It's no secret that the blob pet needs a lot of work. I'm not sure when I'll get time for it, and I don't even remember everything that needs to be fixed.. but the blob is missing some images for when it's grown up, the rename button broke on me, it's a little unbalanced, and the activity message window is frozen (at least for me.) If you can think of anything else that needs to be fixed, let me know in the chat!


Now for the real reason I'm writing this.. it's getting warmer out and I'm seeing everyone on their motorcycle and I miss mine so much! One OTHER thing I did last year, while I was on hiatus from this website, was spontaneously buying a motorcycle. After it was purchased, I had to wait two months to take the course, and I got my license. I truly, truly, deeply, thoroughly enjoyed riding that motorcycle. I drove it for about 2 months and put 1,100 miles on it. Then I sold it because I thought I shouldn't have a motorcycle, which I KINDA REGRET! I have DReAMS sometimes of riding it. Anyway, here's my motorcycle, which I really miss, did I mention that I really miss it, I miss it a lot - I found the picture the other day and figured I would share
