Last Update: Mar 1st 2025 | Location: Onio System Orbit
Change Log
Mar 3rd, 2025:
- Visitors' volume and play/pause settings are now saved (via user's local storage). Settings can also be reset with a button press.
- Added "space crickets" slider to the bottom left. May need to clear cache and refresh to see update.
- Repositioned sound labels horizontal to their volume sliders.
- Added hidden cafe button for satellite visitors.
- Updated the sparkle tail trail.
Mar 1st, 2025:
- Added page redirect to custom "JavaScript Disabled" page if JavaScript is disabled. Space isn't worth visiting without JavaScript.
- Added a simplified mobile version of the solar system, with fewer planets and features.
- Is it really March already?
Feb 28th, 2025:
- Changed the word 'update' in the 'update log' to the word 'change' to make it a 'change log.'
- Added an "About the Onio System" page to satellite.
- Small tweaks to styling and layout, fixed issues with shader expanding size of update log box.
- Improved satellite page for scaling browser window and for improved experience on mobile (hopefully, and I should do this for the rest of my website tbh.)
- Added "Space Ambience" with volume slider at bottom left corner of Solar System page. This is a separate sound file from the background music that plays upon loading.
Feb 27th, 2025:
- Added Onio Mission Control satellite to solar system orbit. Added satellite page for tracking updates to the solar system page.
- Created graphic and added sound for Onio Mission Control satellite.
- Added sparkle trail effect to cursor when both of the following states are true: 1. cursor is not hovering over link or active element, 2. user is holding down left mouse button.
- Background music now plays when user clicks the sun. Before this update, background music triggered with any user interaction. Thanks to Kali for this idea.
- Increased length of time for sound fading when user's cursor leaves planet radius for the smaller/faster moving planets. Thanks to Tamie for this suggestion.
Feb 26th, 2025:
- Released the Onio solar system online. See here for details.
To-Do List:
Add more sounds for remaining planets
Add pause button to stop the planets
Add more ambient sound sliders for custom sonic experience
Explore Planet Blobulous and discover a virtual pet